Unparalleled Solutions.


We provide professional services in land development design and entitlement, floodplain management, flood zone modifications, and hydrologic restoration services to large corporations and midsize consulting firms. With superior technical, cost-effective, and one-to-one expertise, our multidisciplinary teams have extensive experience in planning, surveying, landscape architecture, GIS, and geological and hydrological project components. Now in our 10th year, we’re always looking for new experts to add to our civil engineering firm.

Open Positions

Civil Engineer

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Project Manager

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Design Technician

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Mission Statement and Vision

To provide seamless service to our clients; to support and mentor our employees for their professional and personal development; and to trudge the road of preeminent industry leadership with high intention, thoughtful communication, and innovative design.


“Quality is never an accident; —it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives…”
– Quoted by William A. Foster

Core Values

Integrity, respect, honesty, professionalism, and family

Employee Benefits

Click to learn more about the benefits we offer.

Join our team

If you’re interested in joining our unparalleled team of civil engineering consultants, email your resume and cover letter to careers@jrevansengineering.com